Song Of The Week

Friday, August 1, 2014

[Audio] Graffititech - "Blissfully Inadequate RED"

Blissfully Inadequate RED

Graffititech is a Baltimore born and based visual artist and producer. Graffititech's mission is to inspire and transform the creative landscape. Having be involved and around music since youth, Graffititech views music as a magicians medium to influence people and does so through tones, dynamic sounds that create cinematic imagery and evoke an emotional response. By doing this he puts people in his shoes and makes them feel what he feels, and see what he sees. In 2012 Graffititech launched the "Blissfully Inadequate" series with "(A)" and this year he launched the second entry "RED", the first part in a 3 part mini - series. While (A) dealt with the cosmos, exploring one self and restrained emotion; RED explores the colour red through sound, creating a vibrant, emotional, energetic experience, that takes listens on a roller coaster. RED mimics the red rose, an organic object that can symbolize life and death, love and obsession, soft to the touch, but with thorns that can cut. As REDs life expires, Graffititech prepares the next entry, BLACK.